Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Night Before the Chaos Begins

Hmmm...I'm supposing the first entry of a blog should be an introduction, right? Well, heres the stats. I am Jessica, 32 yrs old, married, one daughter, one brother, one step-sister, lots of extended family, great friends, facebook addict, and brand new blogger.  Sounds pretty typical, and I guess in a lot of ways I am. I'm just an average gal, I've made my share of mistakes and good choices and have grown from every one of them. I plan on sharing my trip down life's road with you.

Why in the world did I decide to begin this blog tonight? Well, probably because I'm a bundle of nerves. I officially start nursing school tomorrow. I know people do it all the time, but those people aren't me, and they don't have my future in their hands. So yeah, I'm nervous.

I worry a lot about things that, in the scheme of things, don't amount to anything. I worry that Savanna, my daughter, has forgotten her knee pads for volleyball practice. I worry that Jason, my husband, doesn't have work pants clean. If it's possible to dream up something to worry about, I've probably already thought about it, worried about it, and made the back-up plan for when it does happen. Perhaps this is a motherly thing, or a more likely notion is that I'm a spaz. Regardless, I like to be prepared.

So, are you wondering why you're reading this yet? I probably would be. In the off chance that you're not a relative of mine, trying to be supportive and atleast be able to say that you have indeed read my blog, please quit asking, then I'll tell you. I'm a regular person. I have worries, hopes, dreams, trials, get the idea. I plan on sharing them with you, so that you can relate, commiserate or laugh with (or at) me. No, you probably won't learn how to do it all. You might, however, learn that having it all is a state of mind.

Until next time,